No enrollment fees & cancel unused plans within 5 days of becoming an XPASSer for any reason.
Don't miss a day! Plans purchased now will activate on January 15th, 2024 when XPASS transitions to tokens.
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.
$99 / month
Includes 5 tokens every month to book classes
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.
$149 / month
Includes 8 tokens every month to book classes
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.
$199 / month
Includes 10 12 tokens every month to book classes
Rollover is the amount of time after your plan expiration date that points will remain available for use.